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//-->Bead£4.99OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015nISSUE 65www.beadmagazine.co.ukwww.bead.tvFREEBIG BEAD SHOW TICKET: SEE INSIDEsleekspikesNECKLACE&JEWELLERYVfabulousfiligreennnintage romanceLearn new ways with rivolis tocreate this beautiful bracelet9 771750 163024WireworknChain MailleKumihimonBead weavingFrench beading & much more10>$1500FLAT RATESHIPPING TO UKNo weight limitwww.firemountaingems.comOne Fire Mountain Way, DEPT C022 Grants Pass,OR 97526-2373 541-956-7890America’s FavoriteBeading and JewelrySupply Company®Go online to see over 120,000 HOTjewelry-making products and orderaFre ecatalog todayYou supply thecreativity,we supplyeverythingelse!®Marcanne Green, CAwww.butiqua.comFinalist, Jewelry-MakingContest with SwarovskicrystalsFire MountainGems and Beads© 201526101480 566078.Tips, Tricks and Techniqueslooks at different ways to give yourjewellery a professional finish89.Beadstash Extra!90.Bookshelfwhat’s inside...8.Bead Stash20.Designer’s Profile:We talk to Hortense Thompson38.Design Corner:Looking atideas for designing with a new bead59.Shop Profile:Meet Wrightways68.Reader’s Challenge:Your recent makes72.Special feature:Find out all about the Bead Societyof Great Britain4beadmagazine.co.ukOCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015 • ISSUE 65746684424542.Mermaid Bracelet:Use pinchbeads and facets to create thisgorgeous Kumihimo bracelet45.French Beaded Wheat:Get into the art of French beadingwith a seasonal project48.Tudor Luxury Bracelet:We bring you the first of a two-partjewellery set from Rachel Norris56.Sleek Spike Necklace:Try out some chain maille with thisfunky design from past British BeadAwards winner Vanessa Walilko60.Surf’s Up! Necklace:A fabulous wirework necklacethat will bring back memoriesof the summer4866.Sparkle Spacer AngelNecklace:The perfect fast fashion project tocreate some stunning jewellery74.Flying Bat:Wirework animals are huge fun tomake and Anna Lindell has givenus a preview of her workshopwith this project80.Oriental Bracelet:Experiment with some of the newStarman beads to create thisbeautiful jewellery84.Mandala Flower Pendant:Inject some colour into your lifewith this beautiful pendantprojects10.New England Necklace:Inspired by the season, this necklacewill have you making some fabulousbeaded leaves14.Filigree Fancy Earrings:Simple bead embroidery can createa fabulous pair of earrings in anevening26.Delightful Swarovski Pendant:You really can’t go wrong with somesparkle and British Bead Awardswinner Marie New brings you afabulous pendant32.Vintage Style RomanticBracelet:Learn a new method of encasingsmall rivolis with this stylish braceletOCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2015 • ISSUE 65beadmagazine.co.uk5 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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