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//-->Spotify’s New StrategyTroy Carter duelsJimmy and Jay ZStairway to CopyrightInfringement?Led Zep on trialP O W E R P L AY E R S 2 0 1 6D I P L O’SLAST DANCE?After minting hits for Biebs andBeyoncé, the genre’s kingmakerexpands his brand and flips off EDM:‘It’s a really lame culture’The scene’s top 40 execs, DJs,tastemakers and gatekeepersFrom $1B to bankruptcy:Robert Sillerman on the SFX fiascoJune 18, 2016|billboard.com‘Views’ FromThe Top: Drake’sHistoric Runchart milestones that male artists have not seen in morethan a decade. The MC leads the Billboard Hot 100(dated June 18) for a third consecutive (and fourth total)week with “One Dance” (featuringWizkidandKyla).At thesame time, the single’s parent album,Views,rules the Billboard200 for a ifth straight week.Drake is the irst artist to lead the Hot 100 and Billboard 200concurrently for three straight frames sinceAdele,who reignedfor six consecutive weeks with “Hello” and parent album25,respectively, last December through January. The last man to leadboth charts simultaneously for at least three weeks?50 Cent,more than 10 years ago. He spent six weeks in a row toppingthe charts in March to April 2005 with “Candy Shop” (featuringOlivia)and the set that generated the smash,The Massacre.“One Dance” also starts atopBillboard’s2016 Songs of theSummer tally, which returns with the June 18 list. The 20-positionchart, viewable at Billboard.com, tracks the most popular titlesbased on cumulative performance on the weekly Hot 100 fromMemorial Day through Labor Day. The No. 1 song of the seasonwill be crowned at summer’s end.—GARY TRUSTOLLIE MILLINGTON/REX/SHUTTERSTOCKThe week’s most popular current songs across all genres, ranked by radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen Music, sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming activity data by online music sources tracked by Nielsen Music.Songs are defined as current if they are newly-released titles, or songs receiving widespread airplay and/or sales activity for the first time. See Charts Legend on billboard.com/biz for complete rules and explanations. © 2016, Prometheus Global Media, LLC and Nielsen Music, Inc. All rights reserved.IT’S THE BEST HE’S EVER HAD: DRAKE IS REACHINGSALES, AIRPLAY & STREAMINGDATA COMPILED BYThe 6 God stays atopboth the Hot 100 andthe Billboard 200 fora third straight week.2JU NE 1 8 , 201 6 | W W W. B ILLBOARD.COM1Billboard Hot 10056M A D E I N T YOUber EverywhereAtlanta rapperMadeinTYO, 24,makes his Hot 100debut with first single“Uber Everywhere.”The song’s hook is all about Uber. What’sthe best ride you have been on?The best ones are the free ones. I put mypromo code out [to refer new users], andpeople have been using it. When you got theaux cord, the AC on, waters and candy in theback — that’s a good ride. But not everybodygets five stars.The video for “Uber Everywhere” doesn’tfeature any cars, which is unexpected.I didn’t want to just do the “Oh, he has anUber” thing. I wanted to capture normal life:playing tennis and wearing a turtleneck bythe lake. You probably thought I was going tobe around a bunch of chicks, but I wanted tomake it realistic, not a flex. You don’t alwayshave Magic City strippers and Ferraris.How do you fit in with Atlanta’s rapscene?Musicians always want to be like, “This iswhere I’m from, what I rep.” But I’ve neverhad that, because my pops is in the militaryso I moved everywhere. So when people callme an Atlanta artist, other rappers hate thatbecause they actually grew up there. For me,I’ll listen to aGucci Manesong, then put onCalvin Harris.It’s the mixture: Like Guccisaid, you got to have the sauce.—ELIAS LEIGHT13KENT JONESDon’t MindThe multilingual serenadesurges in all chart metrics, ledby its 21 percent burstto 10.5 million U.S. streamsduring the tracking week.2BILLBOARD | JUNE 18, 2016SALES, AIRPLAY & STREAMINGDATA COMPILED BYThe week’s most popular current songs across all genres, ranked by radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen Music, sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming activity data by online music sources tracked by Nielsen Music.Songs are defined as current if they are newly-released titles, or songs receiving widespread airplay and/or sales activity for the first time. See Charts Legend on billboard.com/biz for complete rules and explanations. © 2016, Prometheus Global Media, LLC and Nielsen Music, Inc. All rights reserved.MADEINTYO: ROGER KISBY/GETTY IMAGES. JONES: KEVIN MAZUR/GETTYIMAGES. PINK: JORDAN STRAUSS/INVISION/AP IMAGES. GOMEZ: ANGELAWEISS/GETTY IMAGES. DAYA: RICH FURY/INVISION/AP IMAGES.DATA FOR WE E K OF 06.1 8 . 201610PINKJust Like FirePinktallies her 15th top 10 onthe Billboard Hot 100 as “JustLike Fire” rises 16-10. Thetrack pushes 4-3 on the DigitalSongs chart (85,000 downloadssold in the week ending June 2,according to Nielsen Music) and18-15 on Radio Songs (63 millionin audience). It’s her first Hot100 top 10 since “Just Give Me aReason” (featuringNate Ruess)became her fourth No. 1 in April2013. “Just Like Fire” is from thesoundtrack toAlice Through theLooking Glass,released May 27,the day that the movie opened in—G.T.North American theaters.The week’s most popular current songs across all genres, ranked by radio airplay audience impressions as measured by Nielsen Music, sales data as compiled by Nielsen Music and streaming activity data by online music sources tracked by Nielsen Music.Songs are defined as current if they are newly-released titles, or songs receiving widespread airplay and/or sales activity for the first time. See Charts Legend on billboard.com/biz for complete rules and explanations. © 2016, Prometheus Global Media, LLC and Nielsen Music, Inc. All rights reserved.74SELENAGOMEZKill Em WithKindnessGomez’sfollow-up to the threeHot 100 top 10s off her albumRevivalshould continue to growin streaming following the June 6premiere of its official video.100D AYASit Still, LookPrettyAs she bullets at No. 5 onTheChainsmokers’“Don’t Let MeDown,”Dayacharts her secondsong as a lead. Her debut, “HideAway,” hit No. 23 in March.SALES, AIRPLAY & STREAMINGDATA COMPILED BYJU NE 1 8 , 201 6 | W W W. B ILLBOARD.COM3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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